Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome to the 31 for 21 Blogging Challenge, 2012 (31 for 21, Day 1)

Somewhere around the beginning of September, I gingerly broached the subject of doing this challenge again to my husband.  To be fair, writing did take up most of my "spare" time last October and it was only courteous to ask his opinion.

He didn't freak out, but he did look tense for a moment.  "Come up with 31 topics now and see what happens..."

Unbeknownst to him, I had already started my list.  With a few exceptions, such as "Wordless Wednesdays" and a few spots left open for more topical matters, I presented him with the list the next day.  With a sigh, he agreed to help me out with it.

Why bother?  Well, this is important to me for several reasons.  One, it raises awareness of DS, no doubt about that.  Two, it gives me the opportunity to set the record straight about Down syndrome, because lets face it, there is a lot of old data and misinformation floating around out there.  Three, it gives me the oppourtunity to introduce my blog to some new readers... perhaps to some new parents that find themselves floundering.  Or, perhaps to someone who, much like myself,  aren't able to find the resources that they need.  Four, it makes me stretch my abilities as a writer.  Think of it as a marathon, only instead of running, I plan on being funny, informative and (at the very least) factual for 31 days straight.  Although it is not a requirement, I plan to blog about Down syndrome and related subjects every day.  After 20 months of weekly blogging and article writing, it ain't easy, lemme tell ya.

Much like last year (and to keep things interesting), I've divided the subjects up by days:

Medical Mondays
Teaching Tuesdays
Wyatt (and Zoe) Wednesdays, Wordless Wednesdays
Therapy Thursdays
Factoid Fridays
Story Time Saturdays
Family Day Sundays

Our regular monthly features will still remain.  We will still host the T-21 Blog hop from the 21st to the 23rd.  I'm hoping to see some new faces there this month.  The 31st will remain "In the News" as well.

Thanks to Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes for hosting the event this year.  Bloggers, it is never too late to add your name.  You don't have to write about Down syndrome or special needs either.  All are welcome. 

Please drop by, share on Facebook, +1 on Google, Tweet, Stumble, email and however else you pass along information. Keep the comments and emails coming.  Support our marathon bloggers.  Spread awareness and tolerance.  T-21 is not the end of the world.  It is not a death sentence, something to be ashamed of or anyone's fault.  That extra chromosome provides a unique experience, nothing more.

Two years ago, I never would have thought of doing such a thing.  Now, I can't imagine October any other way.


  1. Great idea for the topic headings for the days of the week!

  2. love the topics!

    i am so glad that you started this! i had planned to blog about down syndrome all month and came across your site!!

    love love love it!! don't ever be discouraged! you are a trail blazer for down syndrome! and yes, this world still needs to be made more aware!!


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