Wednesday, June 27, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: The Eye of the Beholder

That rare chestnut "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" doesn't get any more real for me than this post.  Yes, I am biased, but those are some good lookin' kids doing toddler things.

My daughter has a fierceness and intensity that I know all too well.  She's an incubus really, a clone.  In a lot of ways she is a very small version of me. She is an amazon... albeit a tiny one.

However, the last photo and the video are two of the most beautiful things I have ever seen;  Wyatt showing off his balance and his ability to commando crawl (and negotiate trajectory).  He has worked so hard for months, overcoming rebellious muscles that did not want to do what his twin sister's did so naturally.  I see him using these skills to explore his world and my heart feels as if it will burst.

Wyatt and Zoe (15 mos)

Intense Zoe

Playful Wyatt
Wyatt on his rocket


  1. Great pics and especially LOVED the video!!!

    1. So sweet reminds me of my son Derick hes almost 15 now. Loved the video!

  2. They are really cute.
    Go Wyatt!

  3. Oh my gosh cutest little video or what?!
    oo I just wanna squishy him with cuddle he is super cute x

  4. NEED the rocket car thing for the hairless wonder. NEED.
    And boy, are your kids frikken cute or what! (Almost parallel my own, but you know, she came out of me, so... ;)

  5. Wyatt is stunningly beautiful. They both are.

  6. Thank you all for your kind words!


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