Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Down Wit Dat - The Group is the Winner of Favorite Special-Needs Online Community!

Mornings are hard these days.

This little bit of sunshine in my email this morning melted a bit of the snow that's been piling up.

It's official!  Down Wit Dat - The Group (which includes our Facebook Page and Twitter feed) is the winner of's Reader's Choice Favorite Special-Needs Online Community for 2013!

I would like to thank everyone who voted tirelessly and without fail.  I would also like to thank the group itself, as it is your participation, supportive comments and advice that make it all possible.

You can see all the finalists and winners for all the categories here.   If you haven't yet said why you like our community, you can still do so here

Congratulations to all the Winners and Finalists! 


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