Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The T21 Blog Hop - October 2014

As we find ourselves in October once again, I must admit, I'm feeling a little more optimistic than last year.

October, traditionally in the USA, is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

Last year at this time, I (and a few more like me) were met with a certain degree of resistance regarding the gulf between awareness campaigns and the actual creation of a climate of acceptance.  I personally was mocked, received hate mail, was party to some online bullying... and I didn't get it half as bad as some of my fellow bloggers get on a regular basis.

With that, and my ongoing health concerns, you can imagine why I have remained reletively silent lately.

However, hope does spring eternal.  In my silence, I have been able to listen... and have been delighted by other voices taking up the call.  Acceptance, not awareness.  Meaningful inclusion.  Equality.  Justice.  These words have been a battle cry, and will be again.

For now, I will re-share a few of my older pieces for this month;  words that I solidly stood by in the past and continue to do so now.  Not surprisingly, the theme for this month's Blog Hop will be acceptance, of not only Down syndrome and other developmental delays/intellectual disabilities, but of disability in general.  I will also invite colleagues, friends and bloggers from all over the world of disability to participate; there is so much we can learn from each other.  There is so much more that we all have in common.

Please join us for the next three days and read some wonderful writing about acceptance, meaningful inclusion, equality and justice.  Perhaps together we can make a larger impact.  Perhaps we can find another few voices along the way.